29-04-2021 2834

Experts from Parkway Cancer Center (PCC), Singapore, said that early prostate cancer often causes no symptoms. The patient can be found by chance through a blood test (PSA test) or palpation of a hardening in the prostate gland when the index finger is inserted from the rectum. The larger the cancer, the more pressing the urethra, making it difficult for the patient to urinate. Patients may experience burning, bloody urination, even complete urinary retention, causing pain in the lower abdomen, bladder enlargement.

In advanced stages, the prostate cancer will invade nearby organs or the pelvic lymph nodes. Later, the cancer spreads to more distant parts of the body such as the lower lumbar vertebrae or the pelvis, causing back and pelvic pain. Cancer can spread to the liver, causing abdominal pain and jaundice (yellow colored skin), metastasis to the lungs causing chest pain and a lot of cough.

The following 10 symptoms men should pay attention to the risk of prostate cancer:


1. Difficulty urinating
This may appear as if you have pee but cannot go anything or go without stopping suddenly, possibly as well as urinating more often. Another sign that you find it difficult to stop is that the prostate gland surrounds the urethra. So even a very small lump in this position can interfere with urination or ejaculation. Prostate enlargement in many older men. This enlargement can cause the same urinary problem, possibly benign prostatitis. So, seeing a doctor is the most accurate way to diagnose.

2. Pain when urinating
This may be caused by a prostate tumor pressing on the urethra. However, pain during urination is also a symptom of a prostate infection, known as prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is a noncancerous enlarged form of the prostate gland. .

3. Blood in the urine
This is less common, but is a reason to see a man right away. Doesn't need much blood, sometimes just a streak of blood or a pale pink color. Certain types of urinary tract infections can cause blood in the urine as well, but your doctor will need to perform tests to differentiate it from prostate cancer.

4. Difficulty in maintaining an erection
A prostate tumor can stop increased blood flow to the penis, to help with an erection, or it can stop an erection from sustained to ejaculation. Enlargement of the prostate gland and BPH can also cause this. Therefore, do not panic but get careful medical examination.

5. Blood in semen
Like blood in the urine, this is not very noticeable. It is not a large amount of blood, like just enough to make semen pinkish or streaky. A few cases experience pain when ejaculating.

6. Chronic constipation and other intestinal problems
The prostate gland is below the bladder and in front of the rectum. Therefore, a tumor in this location can interfere with digestive function. However, it's a chicken and egg situation because chronic constipation can contribute to prostate enlargement by exerting pressure on this gland as well as vice versa.

Chronic constipation and bowel problems may also be an early indicator of colon cancer. As a rule of thumb, if you are experiencing constipation or other bowel symptoms do not go away when you change your diet, you should see your doctor.

7. Frequent pain in the back, hips, and upper thighs
A common sign of prostate cancer is pain in the back, pelvis, and hip. You often fail to explain pain. One way to differentiate this type of pain from sciatica and low back pain is that it can feel like a dull pain. However, experts believe that any lower back or hip pain for unknown cause is necessary to seek medical attention.

8. Night sub
This is one of the symptoms that few people notice that when a man diagnosed with prostate cancer will remember. If you find yourself waking up more than once a night to urinate, you need to see your doctor right away.

9. Primary sprinkle
Some gentlemen have a urine leak that cannot control themselves. This symptom is not very common, but it is worth paying attention to.

10. You are over 50 and have risk factors
Family history, especially a father who has prostate cancer or you are overweight, eating a high-fat diet and smoking are factors that increase the risk of prostate cancer. . One piece of news many men don't know is that if a woman in your family has a history of breast cancer, you could carry the faulty gene that increases the risk of prostate cancer.

        Doctors recommend that men 40 years of age and older should be screened for prostate cancer periodically once a year to detect the disease at an early stage. If the test result is abnormal, it is considered to be a suspected disease, then some other tests are needed to make a differential diagnosis. Prostate screening exams include a manual exam and a measurement of PSA (prostate-specific antigen).
